So, around the middle of July I did up a whole bunch of hats for a local shop, called
Chicken Little Childhood Outfitters Ltd. This is my first opportunity I've had to sell my products out in the big, wide retail world, and I'm super excited about it! I had a girlfriend stop me at church the other day to say she had bought some hats there, so that was really encouraging. Chicken Little is a fabulous little shop here in Vernon, and I used to work there, back in 2005 when we first moved to Vernon. There was a different owner then, but the new owner, Lindsay, is fabulous and such a great source of encouragement and support.
I've had a couple other shops mention they would be interested in carrying my product, which is super cool, but baby steps. Right now, I've been busy working at my new job with K-Gr. 5 students at
Vernon Alliance Church (one of my dream jobs!). So, I'm pretty focused on that... and my kids... after all, it is summer, and we have been having fun going to the "peanut pool" near our home, watersliding, hanging out at
Eagle Bay Camp, houseboating, and playing with friends and family. Here's some favorite pics from the first half of the summer...
Roscoe watching the boat at EBC |
The food is GOOD at EBC |
The kids love to try getting the ball in the net |
Aria's sandcastle she built all by herself! |
My side of the family on the houseboat (just missing Phil) |
A stream near the beach where we pulled in one night |