October 21, 2010

An Assortment of Ramblings

Yikes!  Can I just say that my little man keeps me busy?  If he is out of sight, he is definitely into some mischief.  I have a girlfriend who has been watching the kids a little bit here and there, and she is always commenting on how quickly he moves.  Welcome to my world! 

Naptime is the best time of day, isn't it?  Its the only guaranteed stretch of quiet during the day (other than bedtime... oh, bliss!) where I can sit down and catch up on phone calls, emails, eating, cleaning... all the things I never have time for.  Bedtime quiet is reserved for crocheting right now as I'm preparing for the Vernon Baby & Tot Show next month.  So, naptime, is my catch up time... and look at me!  I'm actually blogging! 

Here's a couple pictures from the early birthday celebration we had last weekend when Jeremy's parents and grandparents were out for a visit!

All the grandparents and great grandparents, except for Roscoe's namesake; Grandpa Kinniburgh

Well, its time to run.  I have a game of Shrek monopoly that I'm being asked to play!  Cheers!